Saturday, July 5, 2014


There are two types of BMX - racing and freestyle.  BMX racing is a sprint race on a single lap track; BMX freestyle involves jumps and tricks.  In 2008 BMX racing was added to the Olympics for men and women.  We met at Cowtown BMX to give this new sport a try.  No one did any front flips or tail whips or 360s, but we weren't supposed to.  We did ride as fast as we could around the track.

BMX courses typically have a steeply sloped starting gate, and a serpentine dirt track with hills, rollers, and banked turns.  BMX bikes are typically low, with no gears, and you don't sit on the seat while racing.  Cowtown BMX allowed us to use our mountain bikes, but some of the other racers there let us try out their real BMX bikes.  It took us between one and two minutes to complete the lap, and was a great workout.

The ramp was intimidating at first, but we soon became comfortable with it.
M and R going up a hill.

L going into a turn.

L's turn on the rollers.

M got some air with her front wheel.

L has a large lead on J

Big smiles from J

BMX is tons of fun.  Some of us admitted to having missed out all these years, and some of us are definitely planning on going back for more.

1 comment:

  1. BMX racing is a sprint race on a single lap track; BMX freestyle involves ...
